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Falling in Love with Limas | NPR


D. Cameron Lawrence is a freelance writer and Peabody Award-winning producer. She lives in Louisville, Ky., visits her native state of Connecticut often, and takes pride in calling herself a Nutmegger.

“Lima beans were a staple in my mother’s New England kitchen, bridging the span between autumn’s bounty and the harvest of spring vegetables.

They were, however, on my childhood list of despised foods. They were bulbous, starchy and bland. And who can forget those cold, green lumps staring back from the school cafeteria tray?

Then a few years ago, a friend took me to a local Mayan café and pushed one dish: lima beans with roasted pumpkin seeds. I gave in. She was right. Tender, succulent and nutty-tasting, with a kiss of the fire over which they’d been cooked, these were not the lima beans I remembered. I fell, and I fell hard.”…

You can read the rest of the original article, as published on NPR, by clicking here.

You can see Chef Bruce’s recipe for Tok-Sel Lima beans here.