This evening we featured Groce Family Farm for our 2nd Mayan Market Monday dinner. It was an absolute success! Chef Bruce outdid himself with the menu. He prepared :
Creamy carrot-saffron soup topped with local goat cheese
Vegetable Mole : carrots, beets, red Russian kale, kohlrabi & basmati rice with a green mole sauce (shown below)
Beet-orange ice cream with homemade carrot cookies (these went so fast we couldn’t even take a picture of them!)
As wife and fellow farmer, Katherine Groce, said, “the mole was so hearty you didn’t even miss the meat!” None of this wussy vegetarian stuff for us! Luke & Katherine Groce have just been working their farm in Indiana for the past few years, and they have done some really amazing things with vegetables. We love working with them and love eating their veggies!